Average salary

Average Salary in India

Author: The EARLY Team

Though India is the 5th economy in the world, the country’s average salary is INR 46.861 (USD 557.32) on a monthly basis. At the same time, the annual average salary in India is INR 562,332 (USD 6,687.76).

However, average salaries depend on many factors, such as industry, region, education, occupation, or gender. This article will tackle all of these so you can get a full picture.

Please note:

  • All data in this article are based on official statistics and reports, such as the World Economic Forum and OECD. All data is linked at the end of the article.
  • The official currency of India is the Indian rupee (INR).
  • All figures in the article are gross salaries.
  • One INR equals 0.012 USD when writing this article. Please double-check the exchange rate at the time of reading.

Key takeaways

  • India is the 5th largest economy globally, but reports show that 90% of the Indian population does not earn INR 25,000(USD 297.31). Sources: India Briefing, State of Inequality in India.
  • India aims to become a developed nation by 2047. Sources: CBNC
  • India is one of the most unequal countries in the world, with 10% and the top 1% of the country holding 57% and 22% of the total national income. Source: Survival of the Richest, WEF
  • Since the 2019 Pandemic started, billionaires in India have witnessed a 121% growth in their wealth, while the figure for impoverished (“hungry Indians”) increased to 350 million from 190 million. Source: Survival of the Richest, WEF

Average salary in India

India’s average salary in 2024 is INR 21.100 (USD 250.93) every month, according to Tradingeconomics, with an annual average Indian salary of INR 252.000 (USD 2,996.86).

While industry, region, and other factors heavily influence wages, it is challenging to declare an average salary range or a country’s average salary in India. While an employee based in southern tech hubs like Bangalore and Hyderabad sees higher average monthly salaries, in northern cities like Delhi and Jaipur, employees will have slightly lower average wages.

For that reason, in the next paragraphs of the article, you’ll find the average salary based on several factors so you can define what a decent salary in India would be and also make an informed salary comparison.

Median salary 

To have a realistic view of the average salary in India, you need to first have an understanding of the median salary. The median salary is the middle value of earnings in a country and it reflects the earnings in a country better than the average salaries. The average salary in India is calculated by accounting for all salaries in that country, both the lowest and the highest.

On the flip side, the median salary shows a more realistic picture of the typical earnings of a population, as it is the central point of the wage distribution.

That means that 50% of the Indian population earns below the median salary value, while the other half earns below the median salary value.

The median salary in India is INR 27,300, according to Salary Explorer. The report State of Inequality in India shows that 90% of the Indian population does not earn INR 25,000(USD 297.31) as an average monthly salary. At the same time, 1% of the population possesses 57% and 22% of the total average income in their nation.

Minimum wage

India’s minimum wage is complex and it has long been regulated by the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. It is however adjusted by Indian States and the Central Government. It is important to note, too, that minimum wages for Indian employees are set based on various factors.

The two factors weighing the most are the geographical location and whether the labor is skilled or unskilled. The latter is assessed by Governments in categories like unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled, and highly skilled on the employee’s pay scale.

As it is set by each State and there is no unanimity in a minimum salary range across India, the report “A Closer Look at Inequality in India” made by the World Economic Forum reflects that had negative effects. The lack of a national average salary as a minimum base and insufficient minimum wage regulations, as well as limited collective bargaining rights lead to income disparities.

Another interesting fact about the minimum wage in India is that the upcoming Code on Wages Act is expected to streamline this by consolidating four labor laws and to offer fair minimum wages across all states. This aim for the basic salary to be enforced into the salary structure is expected in 2025, according to India Briefing.

Check out how the minimum wage differs in different regions of India:

Minimum Wages for States Across India (per month) (in INR)
StateUnskilledSkilledHighly skilled
 Andaman and Nicobar IslandsEffective date: July 1, 202416,45821,76223,920
Andhra PradeshEffective date: April 1, 202413,248.50 (Zone I)
12,498.50 (Zone II)
12,248.50 (Zone III)
15,248.50 (Zone I)
14,248.50 (Zone II)
12,748.50 (Zone III)
15,748 (Zone I)
14748 (Zone II)
13,248 (Zone III)
Arunachal PradeshEffective date: April 1, 20236,6007,200NA
AssamEffective date: June 1, 20239,800.5014,239.3518,307.05
BiharEffective date: April 1, 202410,66013,49416,484
ChandigarhEffective date: October 1, 202313,65914,334 (I)
14,109 (II)
ChhattisgarhEffective date: October 1, 202310,100 (Zone C)10,360 (Zone B)10,620 (Zone A)11,530 (Zone C)11,790 (Zone B)12,050 (Zone A)12,310 (Zone C)12,570 (Zone B)12,830 (Zone A)
Dadra and Nagar HaveliEffective date: October 1, 20229,237.809,653.80NA
Daman and DiuEffective date: April 1, 202311,46612,012NA
DelhiEffective date: October 1, 202317,49421,215.00NA
GoaEffective date: October 1, 202313,598 (Zone A)
13,468 (Zone B)
16614 (Zone A)
16484 (Zone B)
GujaratEffective date: April 1, 202412,662 (Zone I)
12,376 (Zone II)
13,234 (Zone I)
12922(Zone II)
HaryanaEffective date: January 1, 202410,92412,646.12 (Class A)
13,278.44 (Class B)
Himachal PradeshEffective date: April 1, 202311,250 (I)
10,429 (I)
13,062 (I)
12,006 (II)
13,592 (I)
12,580 (II)
Jammu and KashmirEffective date: October 17, 20228,086 12,55814,352
JharkhandEffective date: October 1, 20239,162.1112,652.7814,615.83
Karnataka Effective date: April 1, 202415106.23 (Zone I)
14,554.43 (Zone II)
14,028.90 (Zone III)
13,528.40 (Zone IV)
17,539.67 (Zone I)
16,871.99 (Zone II)
16,236.11 (Zone III)
15,630.50 (Zone IV)
18,941.80 (Zone I)
18,207.35 (Zone II)
17,507.88 (Zone III)
16,841.71 (Zone IV)
Madhya PradeshEffective date: April 1, 202411,80014,51916,144
MaharashtraEffective date: January 1, 202413,089 (Zone I)
12,493 (Zone II)
11,896 (Zone III)
14,700 (Zone I)
14,104 (Zone II)
13,508 (Zone III)
NagalandEffective date: June 14, 20195,2807,050NA
PunjabEffective date: September 1, 202310,736.75 12,413.7513,445.75
RajasthanEffective date: July 1, 20216,7347,3588,658
TripuraEffective date: October 1, 20237,420.619,104.13-12,289.91NA
Uttar PradeshEffective date: October 1, 202310,27512,661NA
UttarakhandEffective date: April 1, 202412,391-12,53913,838-14,023NA
West BengalEffective date: July 1, 20249,956 (Zone A)
9,445 (Zone B)
12,048 (Zone A)
11,427 (Zone B)
13,252 (Zone A)
12,572 (Zone B)
Source: Simpliance

When analyzing the minimum wage for skilled workers in particular, you find that these vary greatly depending on the profession of specialization.

CategoryArea AArea BArea C
Sweeping and cleaning20,22816,92613,572
Watch and ward without arms24,64821,41219,084
Watch and ward with arms26,72824,64822,412
Construction, maintenance – unskilled20,22816,92613,572
Construction, maintenance – semi-skilled/ supervisory22,41219,08415,806
Construction, maintenance – skilled/clerical24,64822,41219,084
Construction, maintenance – highly skilled26,72824,64822,412
Source: Central Government of India, April 1, 2024

Average salary by city

The salary landscape across Indian cities reveals distinct regional patterns and economic hierarchies, which are generally observed across all countries.

Mumbai leads with an average annual salary of INR 2,157,630, maintaining its position as India’s financial powerhouse. Bangalore closely follows Mumbai at INR 2,149,235, reflecting its status as the country’s technology hub, with only a marginal difference of about INR 8,000 from Mumbai.

When assessing India’s average salary in different regions, some benchmarks arise:

Tier 1:

  • The western region dominates with Mumbai and Solapur (INR 2,115,653)
  • Southern tech hub Bangalore maintains a competitive compensation

Tier 2:

  • Northern capital Delhi (INR 2,082,071)
  • Eastern hub Bhubaneswar (INR 2,031,698)

Tier 3:

  • A mix of regional centers, including Jodhpur, Pune, and Srinagar, clustered around INR1.9M
  • Twin cities showing identical averages (like Srinagar and Pune at INR 1,930,953)
CityAverage salary/year
Mumbai2,157,630 INR
Bangalore2,149,235 INR
Solapur2,115,653 INR
Delhi2,082,071 INR
Bhubaneswar2,031,698 INR
Jodhpur1,981,326 INR
Pune1,930,953 INR
Srinagar1,930,953 INR
Hyderabad1,897,371 INR
Jalandhar1,897,371 INR
Madurai1,846,999 INR
Ghaziabad1,805,021 INR
Navi Mumbai1,796,626 INR
Nagpur1,796,626 INR

 Average salary by age

As in other countries, average salaries vary depending on someone’s age. The more someone progresses in their profession, the higher the salaries. According to Paylab, the salary in India by age starts at a moderate amount of INR 5,905 for professionals under the age of 24, while the highest-paid professionals are between 45 – 54, with an average salary of INR 11,932.

Below is a breakdown of the average salary ranges by age group. You’ll see a gradual increase in the average salary across each age bracket.

Age Range10%75%90%Average Salary
<24INR 3,900INR 11,937INR 5,905
25 – 34INR 3,900INR 14,400INR 25,181INR 10,780
35 – 44INR 3,900INR 18,444INR 33,639INR 13,777
45 – 54INR 3,900INR 15,971INR 30,678INR 11,932
55+INR 3,900INR 13,871INR 25,002INR 10,365

 Average salary by education

Educational qualifications also come with a monetary advantage in India. According to the Average Salary Survey, the highest salary is received by a professional with a Doctorate Degree. As expected, higher education comes with a good salary, and the lower the degree, the lower the salary will be.

Therefore, employees with Master’s Degrees have lower average salaries ( INR 2,126,111), while someone with a High School diploma has an average salary of INR 1,153,703.

Educational LevelAverage Salary Per Year
Doctorate DegreeINR 2,752,407
Masters DegreeINR 2,126,111
Bachelor’s DegreeINR 1,697,592
High SchoolINR 1,153,703
Below High SchoolINR 1,112, 499

Average salary by occupation

It is well known that India’s IT sector is booming, as it is driven by a skilled workforce, low labor costs, and strong demand for digital services both domestically and internationally. The major IT hubs are Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Pune, and these lead to high-paying roles like software developers, data scientists, and artificial intelligence.

Other high salaries are identified in sectors including banking, financial services, pharmaceuticals, and consulting. Specialized roles in finance, such as investment banking, also offer competitive salaries, drawing skilled talent to urban centers like Mumbai and Delhi. These sectors offer high incomes and drive economic growth by attracting foreign investment and boosting India’s standing as a global tech and financial powerhouse.

Highest salary in India

RoleSectorAverage Monthly Salary (INR)
IT ArchitectInformation Technology202,451
IT DirectorTop Management180,718
Software EngineerInformation Technology168,54
Product Manager – SpecialistBanking151,397
Managing DirectorTop Management146,66
Data ScientistInformation Technology142,364
Software ConsultantInformation Technology141,9
IT Product ManagerInformation Technology139,081
Lead DeveloperInformation Technology136,659
Chief Executive OfficerTop Management131,56

Source: Paylab

Lowest average salaries in India

The lowest average salaries in India are in social and education services and for some medical professionals, as seen below:

RoleSectorAverage Monthly Salary (INR)
Nursery School Teacher AssistantEducation, Science & Research16,734
Social CounselorMedicine & Social Care18,572
TailorTextile, Leather, Apparel18,981
Medical Records ClerkMedicine & Social Care19,129
Porter, Information StaffGeneral Labour19,185
SeamstressTextile, Leather, Apparel19,858
Pre-school/School/Kindergarten NurseMedicine & Social Care19,928
HousekeeperService Industries19,95
CleanerGeneral Labour20,11
Postal WorkerTransport, Haulage, Logistics20,242

Source: Paylab

Gender wage gap

India’s average salaries based on gender differ significantly. India was ranked 129 out of 146 countries in the Global Gender Gap Report, 2024 by the World Economic Forum, and closed 64.1% of its gender gap in the last year. According to the report “A Closer Look at Inequality in India,” India faces the perennial issue of “missing women” from the workforce.

In a CNBC article, an economics professor at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University, Jayati Ghosh, mentions that India depends on its gender equality to become one of the developed countries, as it aims by 2047.

“There is a deep patriarchy and misogyny within India’s society. That needs to be fixed before the country gets more developed,” Ghosh said .“The image of India becoming more developed is very false [when it comes to gender].”Jayati Ghosh

According to the same report by the World Economic Forum, a salary comparison shows that women earn only 40 Indian Rupees for every 100 Indian Rupees earned by men.

Interesting labor market facts about India

  • Rapid economic growth: India has set ambitious goals to become one of the most developed countries in the world by 2047, when it will be the 100th anniversary of its independence. This vision is fueled by significant economic reforms, large-scale infrastructure projects, and an increase in foreign investments, positioning it as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Source: CNBC
  • A vast pool of tech talent: Known for its vast tech workforce, India has one of the largest pools of IT professionals globally. With nearly 5 million IT professionals, it is a hub for software development, IT services, and innovation, attracting major companies from around the world for outsourcing and tech solutions. Source: Government of India, Ministry of Electronics & IT
  • Labor market challenges: Despite its vast workforce, India faces challenges like informal employment, underemployment, and low labor force participation rates among women. Approximately 90% of the workforce is in the informal sector, where workers have limited job security, benefits, and access to social protection. Source: Employment Policy Department
  • Wealth inequality: The “Survival of the Richest” report published by the World Economic Forum at Davos shows the top 1% in India owned more than 40.5% of total wealth in 2021 while the bottom 50% of the population (700 million) had around 3% of total wealth.
  • Rise of the gig economy: With growing digitalization and the popularity of flexible working, India’s gig economy is expanding rapidly. Estimates suggest that gig workers will make up a sizable portion of the workforce by the end of this decade, with new platforms creating opportunities for freelancers and contract workers. Source: Business Today
  • Young workforce: India has one of the youngest workforces globally, with a median age of 28, which gives it a demographic advantage. This youthful workforce is expected to support India’s long-term economic growth, especially as other major economies face aging populations. Source: Business Today
  • Employee protection and labor reforms: Labor protection laws in India have traditionally been complex, with multiple laws governing workers’ rights and benefits. However, recent labor reforms aim to simplify these regulations as research shows that the current labor policies are inadequate compared to other developing countries.
  • Rural Economy: Around 70% of India’s population remains rural, with agriculture supporting over half of Indian households. Source: World Bank
  • Average salary gap: Average income is around 150% lower than in developed countries, placing India in a lower-income tier among similar economies. Source: Livemint


What is the average salary in India in USD?

The average salary in India in USD is 557.32 monthly and USD 6,687.76 yearly. India’s economy is the 5th in the world, however its average salaries are generally lower than in other countries due to different factors mentioned in this article.

What is a good salary in India?

A good average salary in India depends on whether you live in larger or smaller cities or urban areas. However, a general good salary in India is around INR 576,000 per year or INR 48,000 per month.

Is 70k a good salary in India?

Yes, a salary of INR 70,000 per month is generally considered good in India as it significantly exceeds the average salary and allows for a comfortable lifestyle.

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