The most easy and accurate solution

Users love EARLY

10,000+ companies and counting

Managers and employees love EARLY

We’ve never made another mistake in planning, creating accurate proposals or budgeting for clients. It’s so easy to use.

Doubled our revenue and halved how much we work. EARLY helped us to understand the changes required to achieve that.

It’s always been a challenge getting the team to provide decent, accurate documentation. EARLY has removed this challenge.

My time spent on revenue-generating projects has increased by ~10% each week and time in meetings decreased by about 1-2 meeting per week.

EARLY is the best thing since sliced bread. Unless you are billing your time tracking on top, get this tool.

People complain a lot less about time tracking now because of the easy interface of EARLY. It’s made time tracking a lot less of an obstacle and much more accessible.

Brands across the globe

The media loves EARLY

new york times

“A novel way of tracking time and creating motivation.”

“A great productivity tool for keeping you honest.”

“EARLY makes hourly billing a fun IoT activity.”

“A nifty tool that makes the dreaded chore of tracking your time at work easy.”

“This device will enable you to save lots of time so you can get more done.”

“Makes sure you don’t lose sight of time.”

“Keeps you on your desk to easily monitor what your timesucks are.”

“Businesses and freelancers will love its ease of use and convenience.”

“Eliminates the task of filling out a timesheet by hand each week.”


Download our desktop and mobile apps to capture every moment- no matter where you work. Stay synced, stay focused, and never miss a minute.